Tag Archive | avocado

Super Protein Smoothie

I have been taking a walk everyday 2 times a day and I know that I haven’t been good in drinking lots of water and I know that I need more protein then what I am consuming so I decided to amp up this smoothie and add a lot of fresh and interesting things to this to make it different then the other smoothies that I have made in the past. I will tell you that I believe that this is my best one yet. 

2 Servings


1 cup almond coconut milk 

2 tbls Dannon Vanilla Greek yogurt ( use what you have ) 

1 tbls chia seeds 

1 scoop vanilla whey protein 

1/2 cup frozen raspberries 

1/2 cup frozen blackberries 

1 avocado 

6 baby carrots 

3-4 fresh kale 

1 tbls honey 

1 tbls fresh pomegranate


Put liquids in blender first and then add in all other ingredients and blend. Pour into either a frosty mug or a warm mug and enjoy.




This recipe makes two servings. Have one smoothie right now and the other for later.


I hope you all enjoy and feel free to change anything. This is just an idea of where to start. 


Creamy Avocado Protein Smoothie

I have been on a protein smoothie kick and  keep experminting adding or removing ingredients because I am counting calories.  So this recipe you can have to two ways, it’s all up to you if you are counting calories or not. 


1 cup Vanilla Almond Coconut Milk

2 tbls Dannon Vanilla Greek yogurt ( your choice ) 

1 scoop Whey vanilla protein 

1 avocado 

1 tbls chia seeds 

1/3 cup fresh pineapple 

14 fresh spinach leaves 

2-3 ice cubes

1/3 cups almonds ( optional ) 

1/3 cup dried cranberries ( optional ) 


Add milk, yogurt, protein, spinach, chia seeds, pineapple and then the avocado and ice cubes. Blend until it’s the thickness that you desire. Once blended you can add the smoothie to a room temperature mug or a frozen mug. ( That is what I like best ) 

If you are counting calories this will cost you 319 calories if you do not add the nuts and cranberries. If you add the nuts and cranberries it will cost you 626 calories

I hope you enjoy as much as I do. 

